$randNoMatches = Random(10,30,1) ; Get a random amount of no buys before taking a break if $noMatch > $randNoMatches then ; If we haven't hit any results after 10 tries, take a short break (3-5 minutes) $break = Random(60000,300000,1) ToolTip("Haven't found any matches in " & $noMatch & "tries... we're taking a "& $break/60000 & " minute break...starting " &_Now(),0,0) sleep($break) $noMatch = 0 ; reset our nomatch counter endif $extendBreak = Random(1,20,1) if $extendBreak == 1 then $extendTime = Random(900000,1800000,1) ; There's a 5% chance we're going to take an extended break between 15 and 30 minutes. ToolTip("To spice things up, we're taking an extended break...back in " & $extendTime/60000 & " minutes...starting " &_Now(),0,0) sleep($extendTime) endif